Bayer Aspirin: tv / print / new product launch
At BBDO Florence Buchanan and Karen McIntyre created Bayer's first brand campaign in many years.
The first assignment was 'testimonials' – traditionally a 50-something-year-old-man-talking-to-camera about being at risk of a heart attack. Florence and Karen created stories instead.
Directed by Academy Award-nominated director, Jim Sheridan
(Director of In America and My Left Foot)
CD/Art Director: Florence Buchanan
CD/Copywriter: Karen McIntyre
Director: Jim Sheridan

People photography: Lily Dong

NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH: Bayer with Heart Advantage was the virtually first new aspirin product to be introduced since the 1970s. Sales vastly exceeded clients' expectations.
Creative Directors: Florence Buchanan, Karen McIntyre
Director: David Gaddie